Admission Requirements

Pastoral Ministry Diploma (4-days per week / 2-year for Full-time. Student status can be retained for maximum four years)
• Suitable for Christians who have a clear calling for full-time ministry and agree with Isaiah 61:1 vision and MG12 discipleship. Applicants should be ready to serve Full-time in the church or in overseas missionary work and in church planting.
• Christians who have been baptized and Born-again for at least two (2) years; preferably an ordained Cell Leader.
• Completed the Basic Compulsory Courses namely Encounter Camp, Growing Towards Maturity, and Army of Christ.

Criteria for Passing the Admission Test:
• Scripture dictation (based on the recitation of the whole chapter, you may decide what scriptures to memorized, and the full score is obtained when 50 verses are memorized); Isaiah 61 is the compulsory Scripture.
• An Overview of the Bible (please refer to the question bank for the scope of the test, which will be available to those who complete the registration).

Admission Interview:
• Students who have completed the first-year course can continue to study for the practical pastoral diploma after passing the interview.

Leadership Ministry Diploma (4-days per week / 1-year for Full-time. Student status can be retained for maximum two years)
• Suitable for Christians who are fully dedicated, who agree with Isaiah 61:1 and the MG12 group vision.
• Baptized born-again Christians. Cell leaders are even better. 
• Completed the Basic Compulsory Courses namely Encounter Camp, Growing Towards Maturity and Army of Christ.

Criteria for Passing the Admission Test:
• Scripture dictation (based on the recitation of the whole chapter, you may decided on the scriptures to memorized, and the full score is obtained when 50 verses are memorized); Isaiah 61 is the compulsory Scripture.
• An Overview of the Bible (please refer to the question bank for the scope of the test, which will be available to those who complete the registration).

Lesson Schedule

  • Enrolment for full-time studies will take place in January. You may enroll in a one-year or two-year program. Three semesters per year, three months per semester, include 10 weeks of classes, intern twice a week. Summer break is time for local or oversea mission trips, morning devotion, MG12 shepherding and major internship. Those who are taking elective courses may start anytime.
  • The credits for the“Practical Pastoral Ministry Diploma Program”or “Leadership Ministry Diploma Program”is 3×4 Series +4 (4 morning devotions per week)+1 credit for internship = 17 credits. Total credits for six semesters is 102 credits. Every mission trip contributes 4 credits (including pre-trip meetings, spiritual warfare before the trip). Two mission trips in two years contribute 8 credits. Graduation criteria is met upon completion of 110 credits and the fulfilment of other criteria.
  • The leadership institute will base on the progress of the students, the needs for overseas training and practical. Additional compulsory equipping courses include the “Miao Pu 8 Blessings", "Growing towards Maturity", “Army of Christ", "Prophetic Miminstry I & II", and "Healing & Deliverance I & II". Those who have taken and graduated from these courses are exempted. (Fees are exempted too)
  • Elective students must join the morning devotions on the days of the classes, according to the number of elective classes. However, the internship must be slotted in five times per week; or alternatively, if time permits, before the expiration of the student status.



Tueday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7:30am - 9:00am Morning Devotion
9:00am - 10:00am Breakfast
10:15am - 1:00pm Truth Series Following God Series Tree of Life Series
1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch
2:15pm - 5:00pm New Wine Series
  • There might be adjustments in the course content and class time when special invited guests come from overseas.
  • The venue for morning devotions is GA611 Prayer Tabernacle. 
  • The cell group time will also be set at any non-class time by the cell leader.
  • Lessons will be held at Multipurpose Hall (MPH), Prayer Tabernacle, GA611. The institute will announce via WhatsApp if there are any changes.



  • Fragrance of the Tree of Life Course is held on every Friday.
  • The courses of Prophetic (1) and Healing (1) have been transferred to the equipping center.
  • There are full-time lecturers and specially invited guest speakers in the Leadership Institute. Generally speaking, the full-time lecturer system is systematic and complete by itself. However, the disadvantages are that it tends to be a little rigid and dull. Having invited speakers is wonderful and inspiring. However, it is not highly related and structured, and the friendship between the teachers and students is not easy to be established.
  • As invited speakers account for about 30%-40% of the classes, the content of the above table is just a basic plan, and will still be adjusted due to the expertise and prompting of invited speakers.
  • In order to accommodate the schedule of the invited speakers from overseas, intensive classes from Tuesday to Friday may be specially arranged; please reserve your time.

Applying for Admission

How to get the application forms

  • You can directly fill in the 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) admission application form online.
  • Download here the supporting documents here. 

Submission Methods

  • Submit online 
    • Register directly using Google Form.
    • Email us the receipt of payment of registration fees and 2 copies of the recommendation letter to

Attached files Download Here

  • Pastoral Ministry Diploma (Full-time study for two years)
    A completed application form, a testimony, a church ministry experience, a copy of the academic certificate, and a check for the registration fees.
    Two recommendation letters:

    • For brothers and sisters of GA611, one of the letters must be from the direct cell leader.
    • For brothers and sisters of other churches, one of the letters must be from the pastor of the respective church.
  • Leadership Ministry Diploma (Full-time study for one year)
    A completed application form, a testimony, a church ministry experience, a copy of the academic certificate, and a check for the registration fees.
    A letter of recommendation:

    • Brothers and sisters of GA611 can ask their direct cell leader to write it.

Required Fees

  • Please complete the tuition payment within the first week of class commencement.
  • Registration Fees: Pay the registration fee of RM200 when registering for the first time (must pass the entrance exam for admission).【The fees paid are not refundable】

Tuition Fees (Tuition Fees will be paid after admission)

  • Full-Time Students: RM1,190 per semester (including morning devotions and internship credits)
    【RM3,570 for 3 semesters per year, One-time payment for tuition fees of a year, with reduction of 10% = RM3,213, One-time payment for tuition fees of two years, with reduction of 15% = RM6,069
  • Part-Time Students: Pay according to elective courses, 3 credits per series, total to RM210 (1 Credit: RM70)
    【1 series: 3 credit (RM70 x3 = RM210), Internship: 1 credit RM70, Daily morning devotion: 1 credit RM70
  • Audit Fees: RM30 per class 【For 4 classes and above, RM27.50 per class

611 Online Training Institute is opened to all the brothers and sisters to audit classes; you may freely select the classes for auditing.
The Zoom Meeting App will be used as the platform for classes during the severe pandemic. Once the situation is stabilized, students who audit the class shall resume to on-site classes.
For those who are interested, you may REGISTER HERE or register via Whatsapp +6012-866 2523 (Co-worker Natalia Choong)

Payment Methods

  • Full/Part Time Students – Bank Transfer
    Please pay the registration fee to the GA611 Bread of Life account, account number:
    (Maybank) 512-3343-01276, and email the receipt to

  • Audit a class
    Cash: You may pay via cash at the registration counter during on-site classes.

    Bank Transfer: Please pay the registration fee to the GA611 Bread of Life account, account number: (Maybank) 512-3343-01276, and WhatsApp the receipt to +6012-866 2523 (Co-worker Natalia Choong).

Graduation Criteria

Practical Pastoral Ministry Diploma Program
(Master/Bachelor/Diploma of Pastoral Studies)

  • Earn 110 credits; all subjects and internships meet the passing standards.
  • Speed reading of 7 chapters everyday, memorise 3 verses per week and finish reading the Bible 4 times in two years.
  • Memorise 300 verses (Joshua 1:8)
    【 Designated scope of Scripture recitation: Isaiah Chapter 61 (11 verses, the vision Scripture, 1 Corinthians 11 (34 verses, Holy Communion Scripture), Ephesian 6 (24 verses, Armor of Christ Scripture), Psalm 91 (16 verses, Scripture of Comfort). A total of 85 verses is required. The rest of the verses can be chosen by the student. 】
  • To raise two cell members to become MG12 cell leaders in two years. Having at least 20 people in the tribe under you.
  • Participate in two self-paid mission trips.

Leadership Ministry Diploma Program

  • Earn 55 credits; all subjects and internships meet the passing standards.
  • Speed reading of 7 chapters everyday, memorise 3 verses per week and finish reading the Bible 2 times in a year, memorise 150 verses (Joshua 1:8)
  • To raise a cell members to become MG12 cell leader in two years. Having at least 10 people in the tribe under you
  • Participate in a self-paid mission trip.