In 1997, we built a covenant with God because He stirred up our passion for revival, we vowed to become the spiritual police of Malaysia, to willingly pray fervently until the country changes. From that moment on, God has led us step by step on the road of change and into spiritual mapping and vision.

      In 2001 God pushed our prayer warriors to pray, worship and seek God through the night with different churches in the Klang Valley and their pastors and leaders for two and a half years.

      The year 2002 was a hard year because accepting visions and completing prophecies requires praying a price and courage. We experienced a difficult spiritual warfare, almost destroying my life, and also causing my visions to be close to dead. When I was on the verge of giving up, I was fortunate enough to have a group of close friends beside me, accompanying and supporting us. They even offered up the first sum of travelling expenses to “The Call”.

      In 2003, during “The Call , LA”, God, through Pastor Cindy Jacobs, released me out of fear and depression, letting the vision resurrect. After this, God allowed us to meet with Pastor Jerome Ocampo of the Philippines and George and Pam, two Americans whom received the prophecy of Pastor Jim Goll to South East Asia. We even connected with the prophet Daniel Wu from Agape, and started the revival meetings of Malaysian youths (the predecessor of A4J).

      Receiving this prophecy created a great shock for us. Just like what the prophecy said “God has prepared a spiritual invasion for Malaysia”, it is like God is pushing us into a tunnel of change, delivering us from spiritual suppression, stepping on the road of renewal by the Holy Spirit. Not only did we receive the help of the teachers of Agape, but through our mother church Hong Kong 611 Bread of Life, we learnt the relationship between father and son, continuously growing, expanding and being levelled up.

      After that, we received a strategy got spiritual warfare, which is to achieve the right position between the spiritual realm and worldly realm as base, and through a father and son relationship, praise and worship, fast and pray, daily morning devotion and countless prophetic actions and declarations, to prepare ourselves for the revival of Southeast Asia. So we carried an innocent heart and jumped into the miracle of buying the land with faith to build a 24-hour prayer tabernacle, to allow the thirst and shouts of Malaysia to shake the spiritual realm, breaking through the bondage of religious laws, thirsting for a change in the country and the fruits of revival of the land!

Pulse of [Ring of Fire]
      April of 2007, 4 years after receiving Pastor Jim Goll’s prophecy, we met Pastor Jerome Ocampo again. In October of the same year, we attended the Ring of Fire conference which was held at Baguio, Philippines, allowing this prophecy to enter into another level. The leaders of Ring of Fire chose Cornerstone Community Church which is led by Pastor Yang in Singapore, and developed the vision of Ring of Fire: We are an alliance, through releasing the fire of change of God, through a strategy that acts as a catalyst, achieving breakthrough of East Asia and the Western Pacific Rim.

      In August of 2008, the Ring of Fire Convergence, Indonesia started after The Call, Indonesia. We brought the pastors of A4J and set down a covenant between the nations. In 2011, after 3 years, when the 7th anniversary of GA611 BOL ended, when we were thinking what is it that God has entrusted to us, God moved Rev. Amos to invite Pastor Jerome and Pastor Yang to preach, so as to provide a platform to release the prophecy of Pastor Jim Goll to Malaysia.

Confirmation of staring The [Ring of Fire]

    During the planning, we were at a stage where we almost gave up because it felt like Ring of Fire, Malaysia is not like a usual conference, but it seemed impossible to make it clear the nature and direction of the conference, the spiritual condition of the country was at a battle period and the number of people were not as we thought. We even asked the speakers whether to continue preaching or not. After that, on the day that we had to make a decision (the 20th of September) at about 7.30am during morning devotion, Rev Amos Heng and another coworker clearly heard a loud shofar sound, but there wasn’t anyone around blowing the shofar. The morning devotion was reading Chapter 5 of 2 Chronicles, and verses 12-13 said “…and with them one hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets – indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one…and the glory of God filled the temple.” On the same day, we learned that there would be 5 pastors from Laos and Thailand, making the attendance 120 people. Even more miraculously, suddenly a pastor from Myanmar visited us, and was willing to buy another flight ticket 2 weeks later and a visa to attend. These many confirmations allowed us to know that this is the shofar sound of God, calling Southeast Asia into the vision of Ring of Fire.

    Today, when we read back to the prophesy of Pastor Jim Goll, only then we realised that God is confirming what the prophesy said: that God will call a group of people from Vietnam (We are still waiting), Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Laos, and even to call a spy from Vietnam. God calls them out to gather together, Singapore will become a centre of apostolic strategizing, and to become a holy alliance, with Jesus in the middle.