Prayer Meetings

May 25, 2016

New Moon Prayer Meeting – March 2022

The New Moon Prayer Meeting in March was very special because there were two months of Adar in the Jewish calendar this year, and God's people shall experience a double anointing of victory from God.


At the beginning of the prayer meeting, God prompted us to pray with 《James 》 verse 1-3 for our hearts, minds and tongues.  All of us were united in confessing and repenting before God for the bitterness, strife, lust, and evil words in our lives. We prayed that the Holy Spirit will use the burning fire on the altar to purify our hearts minds and mouths, and enable us to unite our hearts and mouths for God.


Then, the pastors led the brothers and sisters to declare the Scriptures together, asking God to give us the anointing of Adar and Purim, declaring the turning defeat into victory from the current bad situation and receiving the ability to have breakthroughs in the difficult situations. We asked God to give us heavenly faith, commanding the mountains to be removed from us, because God has given us the authority to trample on our enemies, and whoever trusts in the LORD with all his heart will be kept in secret by the LORD, and will not be afraid of harm. (Proverbs 3:5-7, 24-26; Psalm 119:4; 91:1-2; Matthew 11:24; Luke 10:19; 1 John 5:4)


Lastly, we prayed for the war between Russia and Ukraine, the pandemic in our mother church HK611 and Hong Kong, as well as the pandemic and political situation in Malaysia, declaring God's peace and salvation to come on the whole earth!


New Moon Prayer Meeting – February 2022

This is a time of great challenges for the nation and for us personally. During our prayers, we saw hands raised up from the sea crying out to God for help.


Indeed, at this moment, all we can do is to cry out to God, because He is our only way out and salvation. Isaiah 52:6-7 says that God's people shall know His name, and shall lift up their voices to call upon His name day and night, for there is no other name given in heaven and on earth, by which we may be saved. We fought and prayed together in the spirit, and we wielded the spiritual weapon—worshipping. Rev. Esther led us to declare: “No matter what the situation is, even when the challenges are great, panicking and fearful, we shall not be afraid, because we know that the Lord Jesus is the anchor of our souls. He has made us strong and secure, and He has become Our High Priest, who entered the veil for us (Hebrews 6:19-20).  We partook in the Holy Communion together with grateful hearts, entering into the power of redemption through the blood of our Lord Jesus once again, and also received healing for the land of Malaysia and all the brothers and sisters diagnosed with the COVID , declaring that the blood of the Lord Jesus will cleanse and heal all brothers and sisters.


We also prayed for God’s forgiveness for the sins of greed and dishonesty committed by the country, asking God to close the gap in the country’s economy, so that the land will produce plentifully and to restore His love, righteousness , justice and peace on this land. God's salvation shall come upon our nation, Amen!


New Moon Prayer Meeting – January 2022

We declare the beginning of the first New Moon Prayer Meeting of 2022 with the scriptures from the book of Acts 2:17-21. Even though there is a prophecy saying that this will be a challenging year, yet God gave the church the promise of "signs and wonders and an explosion of Gospel." In faith we called upon God to fill us with His Holy Spirit and power, so that we may rise up and fight. The morning devotion scripture read on Hebrews Chapter 2, reminding us to be serious about the words we hear. Unitedly we prayed that God protects all the brothers and sisters to grasp the Word of God, because God will also grasp us with His mighty hands! This promise brings great comforted to all the brothers and sisters.

After that, we used Isaiah 60:1-3, and prayed that God would increase our faith, so that we could rise up to overcome many challenges and be watchtowers, declaring that in the time of darkness, all the members of the church would rise up to shine for God, and also asked God to give us the anointing of intercession and evangelism, declaring that the people around us, our cities and our country will be saved through the true Light of God. Besides, we also watched and prayed for the country's pandemic and floods, asking God's mercy to come to upon our country.

Lastly, we raised our hands together to bless and pray for Israel. May God's Shalom peace come to Jerusalem, Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting - July 2021
As we looked back on the past six months, we are really grateful, because since the beginning of the year until now, regardless of the pandemic situation or the environment, God still gives us His grace, so that we could keep the New Moon prayer meetings uninterrupted to pray in unity and to offer sacrifices with all the prayer warriors, brothers and sisters for our families, church and country!

In July, our nation has entered into the "Enhanced Movement Control Order" again. As the religious gathering was limited to five people only, Rev. Esther and the Steering Committee used the Zoom app instead to lead the church into the New Moon Prayer Meeting. Thank God that there were more than 1,000 viewers praying with us on that day!

Rev. Esther shared on the morning devotional verses Luke chapters 1 and 2, mentioning that in the darkness of the nations and the generation, there were angels that came to preach the good tidings. The birth of our Savior, Jesus shines in the darkness and that desperate generation as a True Light! It is exactly the message that is needed in the church at that moment; a light of hope has shone into the hearts of the brothers and sisters. God's words gives us great comfort!

In a vision, God also gave two flags, flag of the lion of Judah on the left hand and the crown of glory on the right hand. God is firmly saying that He would fight with us and we shall be victorious! In the spirit, we waved the flag and prayed for the church’s cell groups, the pandemic and the economy of the nation, and even prayed for the Holy Land, proclaiming that the lion of Judah would reign! Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting-May 2021

During the period of counting the Omers before Pentecost, we gathered together before God to pray. During the worship, we saw the feet of the Jesus and the hem of His white robe in front of us, as we completely surrendered at the feet of Jesus Christ. At the same time, we also saw in the vision that God has given us His fire on the altar to stir up those who yearned to be filled more by the Holy Spirit. Thank God for preparing our hearts for Pentecost, and we anticipate for God to do the new things among us!


In this season, God has led the church to read "1 John" in the morning devotions, in which 1 John 2:15 says that "if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Therefore, we united our hearts in prayer, asking God to help us, so we could be delivered from the world bondages and temptations, that is, the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of "not needing God and men.” In the next hour, the Holy Spirit led us to soak in God's Presence and we were greatly filled by God's love.


That night, we also heard testimonies of many diseases being healed. Patients with dislocated bones, tumors, cancer, and the pestilence were healed, and the name of the Lord was greatly glorified. Hallelujah!  When we were testifying of the power of God, the spiritual realm released the anointing of faith and breakthroughs. By faith, brothers and sisters received healing through the screen. In this atmosphere, we also received the anointing of becoming overcomers (1 John 2:11-14), to intercede for the pandemic on the earth, our nation and all the leaders in authority. May the kingdom of the God come to our nation! We declared that we shall have victory upon victory by trusting in the Lord!


Call To All New Moon’s Prayer Meeting - April 2021

Thank God that as we kept the New Moon while counting the Omer, God's Spirit of joy filled us greatly! The presence of God came right at the beginning of worship; it felt like the living water of the Holy Spirit was flowing like a river among us, and everyone worshipped God joyfully! Rev Esther used Ezekiel 47 to declare that wherever the river of the Holy Spirit flows, there will be many trees that will grow, and will be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Words of God. It shall be full of vitality, and will bring revival, turning the Dead Sea into a river of life, and a lot of big fishes will flow in.  Rev Esther also encouraged us to learn to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.


That day was the tenth day of the counting of Omer; we also counted God’s grace and the things that God has done among us. Thank God that we could return to on-site services again, for the establishment of GA Praise and Prayer School; the breakthroughs of cell group without limitations in cities, and the miracles experienced by all brothers and sisters.


After thanksgiving, Rev Esther shared with the intercessors about the vision of "This Land is Mine" which she received in 1997. She talked about the concepts of shepherding, spiritual perspective and personal commitment. We need to see that what is happening in our nation and the city is related to us, and we should rise up and pray! We prayed for the Holy Spirit to anoint His vessels, and to help us deal with our lives. Do not be like Saul who was full of comparison, jealousy, fear, insecurity, etc., instead focus on God’s love like David (Psalm 16:5, 8-11) and not let God’s anointing drain away from us.


Finally, we also raised our hands to pray according to God’s promises for our nation and the pandemic situation (1 Kings 8:37-38). No matter what we asked and what we pray about, God will surely listen from His Heavenly dwelling! Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting - March, 2021

Thank God, that the month of Adar is the month where God bestows the anointing of turning defeat into victory; and turning sorrow into joy. On Wednesday, 3rd of March, we came before God to keep the feast together, knowing that God has stretched out the golden sceptre to us, pouring down His rain, and we led the whole church into a victorious spiritual warfare through prayers.


At the beginning of the prayer meeting, Rev Esther declared that those who were brokenhearted shall regained their strength, the weary hands must be raised again, because there is grace flowing out from the Throne of mercy of God. Rev Esther also officially activated the beginning of the 30-day fasting and prayers of the church, calling upon brothers and sisters to a true confession of their sins, crying out with prayers, worshiping God, closely connected with God in the spirits, so that in the days of suffering we will not be fearful. At the same time, we also pray for gospel sharing and God’s mercy upon the pandemic, believing that God reigns!


In the prayer meeting, we felt that Jesus, the lion of Judah, the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the mighty army of God fought for us and obtained a great victory, to release the chains of all the prisoners and break the power of oppression! The heart of God Father is very eager to call His lost sheep home, and we also declare that these lost sheep will hear the calling of the Father to return to Him.


In worship, God has led us into rest, to receive God's love and healing, restore our spiritual me, and regain new power and grace, to follow the Lord, Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting-February 2021

We are very thankful to God for this month’s "New Moon Prayer Meeting"!  That night, we were not able to perform a live broadcasting due to the internet connection. While the co-workers were busy fixing it up, the 300 intercessors, along with the brothers and sisters, remained faithful before the screen, looking forward for the beginning of the prayer meeting.  Not only was this hurdle unable to stop everyone, it had shown their strong hunger for God, their eagerness in prayers and their closeness in following the church.  As Rev. Esther called upon everyone to pray together for the internet connection, the media team switched the broadcasting platform from YouTube to Zoom. After the network had become stable, we switched back to YouTube. None of found it troublesome. Instead, when everyone prayed together, it was really touching! While there were many limitations in what men can do, we believed that God accepted our offering that night, and He has heard our prayers!


During this difficult period of time, Rev. Esther encouraged everyone to continue to walk in righteousness, bearing fruits of life and following God closely; these are of the Tree of Life.  We asked that God would continue to pour down His Spirit of truth in these last days, and fill us with the Spirit of revelations and wisdom, so that we can stay away from the spirits of absurdity and deception.  In the environment where the on-site services and gatherings are impossible, we truly need God’s Spirit to watch and tend His flock. Regardless of whether it is the cell group leader or a cell member, we asked that God would touch them personally and gather his lost sheep to be healed, bandage their wounds and feed them, give strength to the weak, and declare that those who are spiritually withered and dead would experience the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, causing their spirits to revive!


We also prayed for our daughter churches in various regions, declaring that each daughter churches will rise up be an outlet of gospel locally, and become the light and salt of the city. May the pastors be strong and empowered! When Rev. Esther and Steering Committee led the whole church and the daughter churches to pray before God without ceasing, it is as if a power station was connected to the main power source. Everyone was being empowered, recharged and spiritually strengthened.   With this empowerment we upheld the country’s pandemic , economy, government, and all the leaders in prayer, lifting up our hands to pray for the Holy Land and all Arabic countries. May the Shalom peace of the Lord be upon them!


Lastly, Rev. Esther encouraged everyone once again to be thankful, lifting up praises to God and look up to the Lord in our difficulties. The Lord will see, and He will come to save us!  God is the God who has helped us, and today, He still helps us in times of need. Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting – 6 Jan 2021

In the first prayer meeting of 2021, God had given us the plans of heaven in the environment that we are currently living in; through the book of Judges, it reveals how we should face the repeated attacks of the pandemic and the nation. Facing the turbulence of the world issues-we must rise up to fight, and God promises that 2021 shall be a year of victory!

The worship at the beginning of the prayer meeting was full of passion! Rev Esther then used Judges 6 to encourage and stir up people who have been oppressed in the spirit for a long time, especially those who feel helpless and powerless in the face of pandemic and many negative news. Once again, she reminded us that God is with us, and that God has called us the mighty men of valor. As long as we respond to God, there is a plan for salvation! After Rev Esther led the people to pray, we felt a great sense of relief and strength in the spirit to continue to pray without losing hope, because God will give us the victory! After our spiritual men had been stirred up, we continued to pray for the politics of the nation with one heart, calling upon God to raise up leaders filled with His Spirit to govern, and prayed for the pandemic in our nation and the floods on the East Coast. We declared that the rule of the Midianites, all the vicious cycles of panic, fear and despair shall be broken!


Finally, Rev Esther received the anointing of transformation from God, so she led the Steering Committee and all the brothers and sisters online to build an altar, to come before God to pray and offer sacrifices on behalf of our families and nation. We confessed our sins before God, and broke the cycle of all curses. We also encouraged parents to lay hands on their children, and at the same time inherit the spiritual inheritance of our mother church in the spirit, declaring that we must have godly next generation who knows God, and we bless all young people and children to be raised up to become God’s powerful warriors!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting – 2 Dec 2020

We are very thankful to God that through the Acts of the Apostles, we have received the power of the Holy Spirit, and the church is led into the anointing and season of evangelism and gospel sharing. At the same time, we have also entered into the month of Hanukkah. It is a season of experiencing transformation in our personal lives, families, companies, and workplace. Therefore, we want to lift up and pray for our families, and also fight and pray for the salvation of the lost souls.  In this prayer meeting, God had prompted us to be like King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20, that is, to stand firm in front of the enemies with songs and praises, and see how God performs His salvation for us! That night, we praised and worshiped God together, and with prophetic actions, we trampled on the enemies, declaring that God is the Commander leading us to the war! We also called upon His people to raise up and to be sent out as an army to preach the gospel.  Therefore, do not be afraid but speak, because God will send His angels of the gospel to go with us, and He will be with us!


Next, we entered into an intercession to erect the spiritual wall.  We asked for God’s protection for our family members, cell members, church and the core co-workers who are in the frontline. Praying that the complete peace of God and the precious blood of Jesus covers and protects all during their evangelism, baptism and even in the processes of removing the idols. Pray that they shall not be attacked by the evil ones and the pandemic.  We also continued to call on God for the pandemic of the nation, so that the plague can be stopped. We declared for supernatural healing will come upon all the sick patients, and also pray that the Lord to reduce the numbers of the deaths and for them to have a chance to hear the gospel too. Our nation needs God; the revival, economy and politics of the nation are in God’s hands.  We prayed asking God for those who will stand with Jehovah God to be the leaders of our nation, and have Joseph's anointing on them, so that they will lead us out of the years of famine and enter into the abundant years that God has prepared for our nation! Amen!


Call To All New Moon Prayer Meeting – 4 Nov 2020

We are very thankful that just as we read about the Holy Spirit coming upon the early church on Pentecost in the morning devotion (Acts 2), we entered into November New Moon prayer meeting together! This prayer meeting was conducted via live broadcasting online. Though separated by a screen, brothers and sisters could still feel the power of the Holy Spirit being greatly poured out. God baptised them with the Holy Spirit and fire through the live broadcast. We believe that in our surroundings full of the pandemic, economic crises, and life pressure, God knows that His people need the power of His Holy Spirit to strengthen their spirit men. That night, the proof of the coming of the Holy Spirit was so real that even the naked eyes could see it! At the moment when Pr. Elijah declared to "receive the fire of the Holy Spirit", one of the cameras closest to the stage flashed for five seconds. This was very unusual; the power of the Holy Spirit was so strong that even the natural world could feel it!


Due to the strong visit of the Holy Spirit, this New Moon prayer meeting was very different from the past! God was leading the church to pray more for the nations, and also calling upon God for countries around the world at this critical moment, such as Turkey, Australia, Europe, and the United States. We also continued to confess our sins for our nation, and called for God's intervention for the political situation and leaders, the nation’s economic recovery and for the pandemic. When we are willing to rise up, watch and pray, we see that God has entrusted a greater burden to the church, and God will call His army from the east, south, west, and north, and call His people from all directions to rise up and become His watchmen! God's will is for us to enter into His redemption and restoration of the whole earth and redeem the peace that this earth should have. May the fire of the Holy Spirit continue to arouse the hearts of brothers and sisters to focus on God, to have hope in Him, rise up and praise, and declare that God reigns!


Call to All New Moon Prayer Meeting –2 Sept 2020

We truly thank God, for we are entering into the book of Numbers in our morning devotions. As God numbered His army, sanctified the Levites and called the Nazirites, we have come to offer our offerings and hold our prayer meeting with the 300 prayer warriors. We thank our brothers and sisters in the media team who had made this possible. Rev Esther had made a proclamation that ushered in a strong presence of God at the beginning of the praise and worship session. We felt a transformation in the spiritual realm and the hunger in our spirits has been greatly stirred up as well!
Rev Esther then exhorted everyone with Numbers Chapters 5 to 6: God tabernacles among us and He is so close to us! We can seek God when we face challenges in interpersonal relationships, finances and even in our families. God wants men to draw close to Him and wishes for more people to rise up to answer the Nazarite calling, to host His Presence and holiness. Those who thirst for Him, whether men or women, may answer to the calling, sanctify ourselves and follow God; to set ourselves apart from the secular world and constraint our thoughts, emotions and tongue. Through the sharing of Rev Esther, God is calling for the intercessors to rise up and to follow God whole-heartedly with our whole beings. Just like how Samuel faced challenges, difficulties and darkness in his generation, yet he responded to God’s calling, became a judge, a prophet and a priest greatly used by God.

God not only wants to raise up the intercessors; He wants to equip and raise His army from the multitude. This week is the beginning of a new semester in the online 611 Leadership Institute, as well as the beginning of the English GA Training Institute (GATI). Rev David prayed for the teachers and coworkers in the equipping department, for God to lavish the teaching gifts of all nations. We can enter into God’s calling for our church, regardless of our nationality, language, race, and geographical location, to become an equipping center for all nations!

Apart from the equipping of a great army, God remembers those who are weak among us. Through Pr Elijah, God released a vision to remind us to pray for the smaller churches oppressed by the pandemic, so that they do not give up in this difficult time, but to continue to raise our voices for the Lord.

God remembers each and every one of us, and hopes that we can be taken care of, covered under the shepherding of our cell groups and not to be devoured by the enemies. We prayed for our cell leaders, brothers and sisters on that evening, for God to add strength to us in shepherding His sheep. May God heal the land; provide the heavenly covering and holy fire walls to protect us from the pandemic. We believe that God will continue to lead us in His greater will, and fight the good fight for God’s kingdom!