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1. How is the Pastoral Ministry Diploma different from the general Pastoral Diploma?

✅ Scripture, Spirit, Life, Church – the Four Series
611 Leadership Institute highly regards balanced development through “Bible, Spirit, Life, Church building” series.

✅ Vision, Anointing and Practice are equally important
611 Leadership Institute considers receiving vision, passing on anointing and practical exercises of same significance. This is greatly different from general academic diplomas offered by conventional seminaries, thus we only offer Pastoral Ministry Diploma.

2. Is there any education requirement to enroll in the online 611 Leadership Institute (GA611) ?

✅ There is no education requirement
▶️ There was no education requirement following Jesus, hence we do likewise in recruiting.
▶️ When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)

✅ Gracious in admission but high graduation requirements
Traditional schools set high admission requirements but are very lenient in graduation. In Spirit-renewed Leadership Institute, we advocate “Many are welcome, few may graduate” because many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14)

3. Why do you set up online bible school?

✅ Despite lockdown due to pandemic, equipping of the saints should not cease
In response to prophetic revelation which mentioned few more waves of plagues coming. In order not to be affected by lockdown of various cities, online bible school is set up

✅ End-time revival, speed up training
The end-time is approaching, 611 Leadership Institute has received the revelation to speed up training of workers, getting ready for the great end-time harvest. Bible school teachers teach in Hong Kong which is broadcast to various countries. When the pandemic is over, once every semester, bible school teachers will teach in Taipei 611, Kuching 611, GA611, etc, with live broadcast to online bible schools worldwide.

✅ Bilingual translation, equipping nations
▶️ Since the establishment of 611 Bread of Life Christian Church in 2001, there has always been bilingual worship services. Now there are 7 languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese, Tagalog, Indonesian and French going on for morning devotion every day. From 2018 onward, Hong Kong Leadership Institute has also started bilingual translation during class.
▶️ Through bilingual translation in class, worldwide bible schools will be able to translate into their local languages such Malay, Arabic, etc., This way, workers of nations may be trained up.

4. Where is the class venue?

✅ When the pandemic is severe
Take the class at home, stay safe and be at peace

✅ When the pandemic is eased
Take the class at church, learn from each other

✅ When the pandemic is over
When the Bible school teachers go around to different places, students of that place shall attend the lesson in person at the corresponding overseas bible school (Kuching 611, GA 611, Taipei 611, etc) for exchanges and receiving anointing.

5. What are the differences between online Leadership Institute and the on-site Leadership Institute?

✅ Continuous equipping
The online Leadership Institute is unaffected by the pandemic so that the equipping of the workers shall continue.

✅ Local practicum, International anointing
▶️ For the on-site Leadership Institute, overseas students can only do practicum in their hometown during weekends. Yet the online Leadership Institute allows students to receive 611 DNA in their local churches and do practicum in their region during weekends.
▶️ During online practice, students may learn from the worship, testimony, power ministry and different preaching styles from other countries.

✅ Save time and cost
Save travelling time and cost of transport and accommodation.

6. From the setting up of the bible school until now, has there been any breakthrough or innovation?

✅ The capacity of the teachers continues to increase
611 Leadership Institute was established in 2004 when there were around 400 people attending our church and no branch churches. In 2020, the church sees her congregation grown over 20 times, leading more than 110 branch churches. The horizon and capacity of all teachers are being broadened constantly, naturally the Leadership Institute is expanding in all aspects too.

✅ Receiving the new wine from God wave after wave
611 has been receiving new wine from God wave after wave, e.g. New wine new wineskin, New wine overflowing: longing, emptying, filling, overflowing; Kindness is the key; One way; three true relationships (True light, the truth, true feeling); Embracing the pearl; Shekinah ladder (Confession and thanksgiving); freedom brings self-control; more love more trust; Angel inside; the fragrance of the Tree of Life, etc., The course is being renewed constantly, keeping it fresh and lively.

✅ The fragrance of the Tree of Life series
611 coworker team is of over 200 people. The key to keep such a big team gelled is the family breakfast meeting held every Thursday morning. After the effort of Pastor Joshua and C-Mo for nearly twenty years, the presence of God is strong in 611. During the curator staff retreat on 1st July 2020, with one heart, we received that the ‘The Fragrance of the Tree of Life” is to fill the entire church, the Leadership Institute and all branch churches. Therefore, once a month, we will connect family breakfast meeting to all online bible school live-stream points. Every Friday morning, we will put together the highlights of previous family breakfast meetings. Led by curator staff and the staff concerned, there will be debriefing and Q&A session. In this way, the fragrance of the Tree of Life can be spread more quickly.

7. Is the online Leadership Institute technically feasible?

✅ Definitely and it gives you a strong sense of presence
During the pandemic lockdown, God raised up 611 media team who not only made three global branch churches live-stream services possible, but also successfully supported 2nd term bible school online course. Bible school students in various places were able to take classes at home and they gave very positive comments on the effectiveness of the classes.

✅ Long-distance practice,cross-country improvement
During the second term in 2020, students have already experienced online long-distance practice including sharing of testimony, doing power ministry, preaching etc. They were supported by teachers globally online.

Example: Taichung student practiced 10-min preaching. Teachers from Taipei and Hong Kong gave comments to help student improve.

✅ Smooth operation of ten branch churches
During the second term in 2020, over 10 branch churches participated in online bible school including Kuching 611, Sibu 611, Living Water 611, GA611, Penang 611, Taipei 611, Shekinah 611, Yun Lin Bethlehem 611, Tainan 611, Dubai 611 and Amen 611.

✅ Pass on the anointing without restrictions
The long-distance healing course has been conducted through live broadcast. Overseas bible school students were ministered and healed.

Example: During pandemic, Pastor Deborah did the healing & deliverance class online in Hong Kong with live broadcast to West Malaysia GA 611. She was not only demonstrating but also gave advices to students present. The whole teaching was also broadcasted to Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Taitung and Kuching, etc.

8. What is the class timetable?

✅ 12 weeks in each semester, 4 days a week
▶️ 12 weeks in each semester, classes will be on for 10 weeks.
▶️ Classes are on Tuesday morning, Wednesday morning, Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, 4 sessions a week.
▶️ The Leadership Institute highly regards the chances of students giving testimony, doing power ministry and preaching. Therefore, pre-class practice and 2-week practice are specially designed to provide more platforms for students to be upgraded.

✅ Suitable for further study of pastors and equipping full-time workers.
The bible school provides 4 learning sessions each week, which is ideal for equipping pastors during the week as well as believer leaders who have full-time ministry calling.

9. When is the first day of school?

It starts from the morning devotion on 1st September 2020. After morning devotion, lesson will go online around 10:30am.

10. Is it compulsory to attend simultaneous online class?

✅ Yes

✅ During Q&A session, we can interact with teachers or discuss with students through simultaneous online class

✅ It is compulsory to do simultaneous class if you are in the same time zone of Hong Kong; if there is a time difference between your location and Hong Kong, then you do not need to go online with Hong Kong. We will provide you with course video files. The local church (live broadcast point) can do live broadcast according to set class time, all students shall do simultaneous online study.

11. If brothers and sisters need to work, can they study online at home during the night?

✅ No

✅ The Online Leadership Institute is designed for pastoral staff and those brothers and sisters who have full-time calling.
Day-time online class is on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Besides the aforementioned times, we do not replay the course material. All students are to participate in class and practicum. Those brothers and sisters with financial needs may arrange work outside class time.

12. What are the features of the online Leadership Institute in terms of dates, time, and teaching languages?

✅ Flexible according to the public holidays in different countries
Since the public holidays vary in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Dubai and Macau, if class takes place on a public holiday in a country, make-up class will be arranged according to the country concerned.

✅ Flexible according to different time zones
Due to different time zones of overseas live-stream point, e.g. the time of the class varies in different regions e.g (compared with Hong Kong) Japan +1, Sydney +3, Dubai -4, etc. In general, students in Dubai can only join the live broadcast on Thursday PM and watch replay on other sessions of the week.

✅ Mandarin and English on-stage translation. More languages available off-stage.
Leadership Institute teachers will teach in Mandarin with simultaneous English translation onstage. Off-stage translation such as Japanese, Cantonese can be arranged by the bible school concerned according to their needs.

13. Are electives available for online Leadership Institute?

✅ Yes.

✅ The online Leadership Institute offer electives in four series:
Scripture, Spirit, Life and Church. There are four lessons in each topic which are taught over one week. There are two to three topics in each series every semester.

✅ Only the elective students whose attendance on the selected series is above 70% can have credit awarded.
For example, there are 8 lessons of two topics in one series; students are to attend more than 6 lessons in order to receive credit. For a series of three topics in twelve lessons, students are to attend more than 9 lessons to receive credit.

14. Do the students pay for practicum?

✅ The students have to pay for practicum credits
▶️ Traditional seminaries provide students with placements in different churches who shall pay the students.
▶️ 611 Leadership Institute emphasizes the passing-on of anointing. The practicum is counted towards credits. Through the practicum, students will receive the anointing of healing and deliverance, harp and bowl, evangelism and teaching. Therefore, students need to pay for the practicum.
▶️ Through the practicum, students can have first-hand experience on:

    • The internal operation of the church
    • Practice what they have learnt in class: The Leadership Institute will liaise with various departments of the church for practicum and provide students with guidance and feedback.
15. Does the online 611 Leadership Institute (GA611) have any scholarships or financial assistance for those in need?

✅ With God’s calling, in faith, there is provision
In faith, 611 Leadership Institute looks to God for His provision. Therefore, students are encouraged not only to find a part time job in the afternoon, but also to practice living by faith for God’s provision.

✅ If in debt, clear the debt before study
If a student is in debt (mortgage excluded), he is not encouraged to study. Wait until the debt is clear before applying

✅ Scholarship available
If you need any financial assistance, a letter must be written by your church pastor. (The final decision will be made by GA611 BOL)

16. I am clearly aware of my full-time calling, but my spouse does not agree for me to study in the online 611 Leadership Institute (GA611). Should I still enrol in faith?

✅ With unity comes blessings
God highly esteems unity between couple. Pray more and wait until your spouse agrees with you before applying. Such unity shall certainly bring great blessings.

17. My MG12 already consists of 2 cell leaders, and the number of people in my tribe is more than 20 people. Do I need to have 2 additional cell leaders when participating in the online 611 Leadership Institute (GA611) for two years?

✅ No need.

✅ The practicum of holding MG12 cell group is to make sure the students understand the vision of MG12 and put it into practice. Therefore, it is not necessary to ordain two more cell leaders.
However, you need to keep 2 cell leaders and over 20 cell members in your tribe by the time of graduation. Moreover, we encourage students to continue MG12 discipleship to bless many. In addition, the quality and quantity of your tribe is related to the learning outcome.

18. My church has a structure of 5x5. Do I need to use the MG12 structure for church internship?

✅ The concept and practice of the MG12 cell group is an important feature of the 611 Leadership Institute. In principle, we recommend students to obverse and learn about the features of MG12 within the two-year program as much as possible. However, we still respect the final decision of the Senior Pastor of the student’s home-church. If the student’s home-church does not have a cell group structure, it is recommended that the student should take practice in a MG12 cell group church.

19. If I come from overseas or outstation to study in GA611, how can I solve the problem of accommodation?

Full-time students can choose to:

Rent your own suite.
We encourage students with great financial ability to purchase houses and provide accommodation for other students.
Classmates of three or four people can rent a house together (suitable for students who are studying at the same time).

20. If I have a contract at work, is it possible to break the contract in order to study in the online 611 Leadership Institute (GA611)?

God is the God of Covenant.

Unless God makes preparations and performs miracles, it is recommended to go to GATI after the contract.