611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) 12 Key Features

1. Despite lockdown due to pandemic, we speed up training for the upcoming revival


  • The end-time is approaching, with great calamity and major revival coming up simultaneously. 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) has received the revelation to speed up training of workers, getting ready for the great end-time revival.
  • Since 2020, 611 Leadership Institute has started its online broadcasting, serving 33 different locations worldwide. As the pandemic situation eases, our teaching staff has been taking turn to teach in classes while these classes are broadcasted online to other live stream points.
  • Since the establishment of 611 Leadership Institute in 2018, we have bilingual translation during class. Now there are 7 languages including Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese, Tagalog, Indonesian and French for morning devotion every day. Through bilingual translation in class, it is feasible for worldwide Leadership Institute to include their local languages such as Malay, Arabic, etc., in order to train up workers of all nations.


2. Based on the Fragrance of the Tree of Life  

  • In the past, many Spirit-renewed churches emphasized in pursuing revelation, gifts and anointing, signs and wonders for the purpose of Doing. Although they experienced the Holy Spirit, they still stayed in the level of revival, without transforming lives. It might even distort life nature (Being)
  • The fragrance of the tree of life highly regards Being, the presence of God, the love of God and as a result, God’s attributes may be displayed. God accepts us just as we are, we may simply unleash our own Being. As long as our bible school students stay within the Tree of Life community where they receive discipleship and the core values, they will surely become end-times harvesters.


3. Brand new four major series

  • Truth series
    Scriptures, Systematic theology, Expository preaching, Meaning of Holy Sacraments
  • Following God series
    – Church revival history: Outline revival, connect with the wave of revival
    – The great awakening of Nazirite: Follow the footstep of the Holy Spirit and become a vessel of revival
    – The Mighty hand of God: The calling and responses of 611 to the Guidance of God
  • New Wine series
    The spiritual treasures endowed by God such as prophecy, healing and deliverance, prayer walks and spiritual mapping etc.. Remarks: Given rich content, some courses might only be taught every few years.
  • The Breath of the Tree of Life series
    The present leading of God and the responses from 611.


4. Internship "Beingized"

  • Concept: In the past, internships were heavily weighted in collaboration with ministry ( “Doing”). The new stage of internships will combine with the development of “Being”.
  • In such internship, different groups are formed in which no one has to take the lead but rather all the group members should have the same interest or direction in what they want to achieve as a group. And the outcome must be presented at the end.


5. Church Based  

  • Traditional theological seminaries are under the influence of Greek and Roman culture, mainly focusing on theological and academic research. In fact, many teachers in these seminaries lack actual pastoral and ministry experience. Henceforth, there is a widening gap between the workers whom churches expect to hire and the students under training in traditional seminaries.
  • 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) uses the church as its training base. Not only are the teaching staff required to preach sermons, teach, and minister in the church, students can also verify that, what they have been taught in theory, they put into practice. Remarkadly, these trained workers meet the demands of the various church ministries.


6. Malaysia (Petaling Jaya) as the Location for the Training Institute   

  • Malaysia is a multicultural and multilingual country, with Islam as the main religion. It is strategically located at the Maritime Silk Road and is a strategic location for the leaders of Southeast Asia to gather and interact.  Therefore, it will broaden the horizons and knowledge of the 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) students as they are involved in related voluntary activities.
  • Malaysia is also the gateway for the Middle East missions.


7.  Blessed with of Mission Work and Church Planting  

  • Bread of Life Church is under Ling Leung World- Wide Evangelistic Mission and is the first self-reliant, selfgoverning, and self-supporting evangelical organization founded by Dr. Rev. Timothy S.K. Dzao. Bread of Life Christian Church receives the honor of being the first Chinese church-planting and missionial church.
  • Bread of Life Church in Taipei, the grandmother church of GA611 Bread of Life Church has been greatly revived by God. In the recent 30 years, they have planted over 500 churches in over 40 countries globally, becoming one of the Chinese churches fastest in planting churches.
  • 611 Bread of Life Church, the mother church of GA611 Bread of Life Church has undergone rapid development in the past 18 years. The congregation has grown from just 3 people to over 8,000 today, and there have been 48 churches planted in Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, India, Cameroon, Dubui and Austrlia, there have been 48 churches planted. The evangelistic mission and passion have been ignited within the Believers, and hence, 611 has become one of the fastest growing Chinese churches. 
  • After many years of rapid development, GA611 Bread of Life has grown from more than 100 people in the beginning to more than 1,000 people, and having established 10 daughter churches and a granddaughter church in Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Cameroon, Thailand and India, Ghana, Uganda. The mission and passion for missions ignite among the believers and we have become one of the fastest growing churches in the Malaysian Chinese Churches.


4. Spiritual Blessing of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit

  • Many teachers of 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) hold Agape International Leadership Institute Doctorates or Master Degrees in Practical Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary Doctorate of Philosophy in Theology, Master of Divinity from Europe and Hong Kong’s Ecclesia Bible College , or a Masters in Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies, GATI Practical Pastoral Ministry Diploma.
  • Senior Pastor of 611 Bread of Life Church, Rev Joshua Cheung was the first graduate with a Doctorate in Practical Ministry from Agape International Leadership Institute . He receives the honor of being the firstborn in the revival movement of the Agape International Leadership Institute and has been accredited as the Most Outstanding Alumni.
  • Senior Pastor of GA 611 Bread of Life Church, Rev Esther Kong obtained a Bachelor’s Degree from the Singapore Theological Seminary and a Doctorate in Practical Pastoral Studies from Agape.


5. The Anointing of the Five-fold Gifts  

  • Senior Pastor of 611BOL, Rev Joshua Cheung was ordained as an apostle by Dr. Charles Peter Wagner in May 2009. Pastor Joshua also received the vision of “winning Asia” and 18 other countries as the Promised Land.
  • Senior Pastor of GA611BOL, Rev Esther Kong received the revelation of “this land is mine" and was willing to devote herself to this land to become its spiritual policewoman.
  • 611 BOL Church and GA611BOL Church are amongst the very few Chinese churches that uses the Five-Fold Gift as its organizational structure, thus, likened to New Wine being put into New Wineskins. 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) emphasizes on teamwork and not individualistic heroism. The church has its foundation laid on apostles and prophets, and together, under the leadership of evangelists, pastors, and teachers, testifies to the mighty work and wonders of God all around for the purpose of equipping His people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up. (Ephesians 4:11-12) 


10. MG12 Discipleship Consolidation   

  • The 611 Leadership Institute (GA Branch) differs from traditional seminaries that emphasize on academics. Instead, the Institute underlies the importance of classroom learning while leading G12 Cell Members in committing to the church vision and experiencing the journey in which Jesus led His twelve disciples. (Mathew 10:1)
  • Realizing the ideal where, “everybody joins a Cell, everybody leads a Cell,” every Cell Leader assists each and every Cell Member in becoming Cell Leaders themselves, applying Biblical truths and advocating “the priesthood of all believers.” (1 Peter 2:9)
  • Every student of the Institute must fulfill the graduation requirements of assisting in two Cell Members becoming Cell Leaders and in expanding their Tribe population by at least 20 people.


11. Foundation of Core Values   

  • Core Values of the Tree of Life: Grace before Truth; God First, People next, then the Earth; Relationship before Ministry; Spiritual Life before Spiritual Gifts; Obedience before Inspiration; Faith before Reasoning; Freedom brings Self-Control.
  • Core Values of the Living Water: Spirit brings Scripture; Spirit brings Service; Spirit brings Sanctification.
  • In addition, GA611 Branch also values the nurturing of the lives of the students. We build the foundation of our students’ lives based on the eleven core values of Tree of Life and River of Life of our mother church. Building upon it, we have our 12th core value, which is “Honors before Inheritance.”


7. Enlarging the Place of Our Tent and Possessing the Land  

  • In 2007, upon receiving blessings from God and the generous offerings from Brothers and Sisters, 611 Bread of Life Christian Church purchased the first level of the Wealthy Garden Shopping Arcade. In 2009, God then bestowed the second level of the same Shopping Arcade and, in 2010, the ground level and first level of the Young Ya Industrial Building. From 2011 to 2012, God also gave us the 611 Education Centre situated on the first level of the East Asia Gardens, three dormitory units for our Bible School students, and quarters for our staff members. In 2013, God blessed us once again and we acquired the second level of the Young Ya Industrial Building. In 2014, God gave us yet again a property in Block D platform of Riviera Gardens for the premise of the “Tree of Life Kindergarten”. In March 2019, we purchased a 160,000-square-feet land and named it “Garden of Eden”, where various activities such as retreats, healing, fellowships can be conducted.
  • Following in the blessings received by 611 Bread of Life Christian Church , many Branch churches of 611 also began to possess land; GA611 became the first to acquire land in a Muslim Country, Malaysia; Dubai 611 in UAE; Okinawa 611 in Japan; Taipei 611, Bethlehem 611, Heavenly Spring 611 in Taiwan.
  • GA611 Bread of Life possesses its land in 2006 through God's blessings and generous offerings from brothers and sisters. At 10am on 10 October 2010, our church officially entered into its own land to worship God.
  • Likewise, the daughter church of GA611 Bread of Life also possesses a land; GK611 has already possessed its first piece of land in Singapore!