Intermediate Courses

June 4, 2016
MG12 Cell Leader Training (I)
Course Introduction

This is a compulsory course for GA611 ordained cell leaders. Rev Amos Heng and his team will lead students to inherit the DNAs o GA611 – “Everyone leads a cell group,” thus fulfilling the command of the Lord Jesus to “make disciples of all nations”.

Course Content

  • The Anointing of MG12
  • Take the Initiative Proactively
  • Connect with God & Man
  • Pillars of Cell Group
  • The Growth of Cell Group
  • The Powerful Cell Leader
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only opento members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed <Encounter Camp> course
  • Completed <Growing Towards Maturity> course
  • Completed <Army of Christ> course
  • Completed <Miao Pu 8 Blessings> course
  • Recommended by cell leader


MG12 Cell Leader Training (II)
Course Introduction

Equipped to shepherd and raise up a powerful cell group by using power ministry. Learn the principles of outreach, life building and shepherding. Groom your cell group to be ever growing, stable and lively!

Course Content

  • Generals in God’s Kingdom
  • Power Ministry in Shepherding
  • Practical Holy Sacraments
  • Drive for Outreach
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only open to members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed all the basic compulsory courses
  • Completed <MG12 Cell Leader Training (I)> course
  • Ordained as a cell leader
  • Currently shepherding


Healing and Deliverance (I)
Course Introduction

To better understand the truth of life renewal through this healing and deliverance course, so that we may have a more effective and accurate execution of healing and deliverance in every stage of our daily life!

Course Content

  • Kingdom of God
  • Channels of Evil Spirit Invasion (I)
  • Channels of Evil Spirit Invasion (II)
  • The Purpose of Healing and Deliverance
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only open to members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed the <Encounter Camp> course
  • Completed the <Growing Towards Maturity> course
  • Completed the <Army of Christ> course
  • Completed the <Miao Pu 8 Blessings> course


Healing and Deliverance (II)
Course Introduction

Through this Healing and Deliverance course, it enables us to understand the blessings and curses in our families. Through prayers, it empowers men to experience the healing and deliverance of the body, soul and spirit, to pursue life of holiness and become God's powerful army.

Course Content

  • Blessings and Curses
  • Blessings and Curses of David’s Family
  • Blessings and Curses of Abraham’s Family
  • Jeroboam's Blessing and Curses
  • Genealogy of Jesus Christ
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only opento members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed all basic compulsory courses
  • Completed the <Healing and Deliverance (I)> course


Prophetic (I)
Course Introduction

This course is led by Rev Amos and team, on the foundation of the Bible, that everyone can listen to God in an effective and right way, to build a better relationship with God and be a good steward of God’s spiritual gifts.

Course Content

  • 12 Ways God Communicates With Man
  • The Life of Listening
  • 10 Principles on Listening to the Voice of God
  • Prophecies - Application And Responses
  • Discerning The Voice Of Satan
  • Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only opento members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed the <Encounter Camp> course
  • Completed the <Growing Towards Maturity> course
  • Completed the <Army of Christ> course
  • Completed the <Miao Pu 8 Blessings> course
  • Recommended by cell leader


Prophetic (II)
Course Introduction

To have a deeper understanding of the prophetic gift and examples of the prophetic ministry of Jesus in the Bible. Activate the prophetic gift to edify the church through praying in tongues, classroom practices, and anointing of the church prophetic team.

Course Content

  • The Concept of Prophetic Revelation
  • Speaking in Tongues
  • Interpretations of Prophecy
  • Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
  • Model of the Prophetic Ministry of Jesus
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only opento members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed all the basic compulsory courses
  • Completed the <Prophetic (I)> course
  • Completed the Bible reading and Scripture memorisation of <Prophetic (I)>
  • Recommended by cell leader


Be A Man of Prayer (Other Courses)
This course is led by Rev Sarah Chang and her team. To know the power of prayer is far-reaching; our prayers are unstoppable when we pray according to God's Will!
Course Content

  • Restored as a Man Again
  • Pray-Reading
  • Praise, Worship and Confession of Sins
  • Praying in Tongues, Meditation and Proclamation
  • Talking to God, Praying & Interceding
Requirements for Enrolment

  • Only opento members of GA611 BOL
  • Baptised Christian
  • Completed the <Encounter Camp> course
  • Completed the <Growing Towards Maturity> course
  • Completed the <Army of Christ> course
  • Completed the <Miao Pu 8 Blessings> course