MLI Testimonies

November 19, 2020

Transformation in Marketplace: There is a Way Out

Abegail Chong · Manager - Claims

From a young age, I was not much of a talker. I tended to focus on getting things done, rarely expressing my opinions, and preferring to listen to others. I was generally low-key.

After graduating from university, I entered the workforce and enjoyed the busy nature of my job. Being deeply engrossed in my work allowed me to accomplish tasks quickly and efficiently. Colleagues and superiors had minimal expectations of me because of my high work efficiency. Due to my productivity and willingness to go the extra mile, I received several awards as an outstanding employee.

As the years went by in the company, I gradually moved up from a lower position to becoming a senior staff. My superiors also started involving me in managerial tasks. During the year of the Movement Control Order (MCO), I was promoted to a manager, responsible for overseeing a small team of five members. All tasks during the work-from-home period were conducted online. I served clients from abroad, resulting in daily Zoom meetings lasting six to seven hours. At that time, lacking the art of communication, I often had disagreements with business partners because I didn't understand what solutions they were looking for. When I offered suggestions, they were dissatisfied, and their tone was impolite. Such interactions made me feel unjust, and I even lost control of my emotions and cried during a meeting. I shared my feelings with my superiors multiple times and expressed my desire to step down from the manager position, returning to being a subordinate. However, my superiors repeatedly urged me to endure, promising to communicate with the business partner.

Managing subordinates was also challenging due to the remote work model, which led to a lack of necessary communication. Everyone focused on completing their individual tasks, and when problems arose, the only means of communication were through informational messages, lacking warmth and interaction. I assumed my subordinates were independent, needing minimal attention. This approach made it difficult for me to evaluate their performance. I would briefly write evaluation reports and only superficially meet with each subordinate, without delving into their challenges or understanding the assistance they needed.

Recognizing my shortcomings in leadership and management, my superiors arranged numerous leadership courses for me, with various teachers sharing their experiences. Despite attending these courses and putting in considerable effort, I still felt inadequate in terms of leadership.

Whenever I heard about the enrollment for the Marketplace Leadership Institute (MLI) at church, I felt a tug at my heart, but I didn't take any practical steps. However, I consistently received a sense that God wanted me to become a good leader in the workplace. After struggling for several years, I finally enrolled in MLI, hoping to become a better leader through biblical teachings.

Through the courses and dancing with God, I learned how to understand the perspectives of my superiors, business partners, and subordinates. Previously, during meetings with business partners, I often disagreed and was uncooperative, leading to a worsening tone in their communication. After the course, I learned to look at superiors, business partners, and subordinates from different perspectives. I individually understood their requirements and learned to empathize. After a few months, my relationships with them noticeably improved, and meetings were no longer tense. Because of my humility in seeking advice from them, patiently asking relevant questions, we discovered many efficient solutions together. The attitude of my business partners also changed significantly. Previously, they were not good at saying sorry or expressing gratitude, but now they would apologize and thank me and my team for our assistance. Occasionally, they would also express concern for me and my subordinates.

Concerning subordinates, I adopted the principle of building relationships before focusing on tasks. My subordinates are all young people born in the 1990s who dislike direct communication. They also do not express many opinions. Therefore, I needed to communicate with them in a trendy way, making them treat me as a friend, thus establishing a relationship of trust. They would openly tell me their needs. For example, after the MCO, each employee was allowed to work from home only one day a week. However, the young people hoped to work from home every day. They would come up with many creative reasons to request working from home, and I usually approved with grace. Previously, during one-on-one reviews, I found it extremely challenging because I didn't know what topics to discuss. I would only talk about work progress and individual performance each time, making the entire process rigid. Later on, I began to care about their lives, hobbies, family life, and more. My relationship with subordinates started to become more natural. One-on-one meetings were no longer awkward or suddenly quiet. From previously only talking for 15 minutes, we now talk for up to an hour, and my subordinates' trust in me continues to increase. My small team has expanded from five people to now having more than twenty people and is still growing.

I am grateful to God for leading me and the pastors for their sharing, as well as the teachings from MLI teachers. These have allowed me to find breakthroughs in my weaknesses, and I am continually progressing. I am also growing to love the role of leadership more and more. All glory goes to God, Hallelujah!

Live out Love and Trust

Karen Lee · Head of Tax Department

In 2018, a pivotal moment in my career unfolded when my Co-Head of Tax left the firm, thrusting me into the role of Head of Department. With almost 15 years of dedication to the accounting firm, I found myself navigating the complex responsibilities of managing the department's operations, balancing client needs, and delicately handling the expectations of both my boss and staff. The sudden promotion brought with it a wave of fears and uncertainties, as I grappled with the weight of important decisions and the constant fear of making a wrong move.
The most challenging episode occurred when one of our clients, a construction business, faced a tax audit. The tax authority accused the client of deferring revenue recognition and underdeclaring profits for six years, resulting in a staggering initial tax amount and penalty of approximately RM10.6 million. Despite not being directly involved in handling the client's file previously, I, as the Head of Department, had to bear the blame and responsibility. The client, understandably distressed by the substantial tax amount, shifted the blame to our firm, accusing us of negligence.
The ensuing turmoil led to sleepless nights and immense stress. Rounds of discussions with tax authorities ensued, eventually reducing the tax and penalty to RM838,000. Despite the resolution, the accountant's sarcastic comments tarnished the firm's reputation. I contemplated resignation, feeling wronged and helpless. However, my boss's understanding and reassurance convinced me to stay, emphasizing that unexpected challenges are inherent in professional journeys.
The aftermath of this incident left me hyper-vigilant, leading to detailed decision-making and heightened expectations of my staff. Trust became a challenge, resulting in strained relationships and a feeling of working in isolation. Multiple resignations were tendered, but my boss's persistence in retaining me, despite the loss of joy and constant negativity, kept me anchored in the firm.
Amidst this professional turmoil, a ray of hope emerged during the Movement Control Order in 2020 when my tribe leader invited me to rejoin the cell group. Reconnecting with my Christian faith through cell group activities, morning devotions, scripture readings, and Sunday services marked a turning point. The church's core values - God First, People Next, then The Earth - resonated with me. By the end of 2021, prompted by divine guidance, I enrolled in the MLI program, where I am currently a second-year student undergoing a transformative journey.
This spiritual awakening has manifested in tangible changes in my professional life. I learned to interact with clients by laying down my pride, listening to their needs, and managing accordingly. Forgiveness became a cornerstone as I forgave those who wronged me, asking God to bless them. A pivotal moment occurred during a challenging client meeting, guided by a scripture reading on courage and trust in God. Despite being accused unjustly, I chose to apologize, adhering to the core value of "Grace before Truth." The power of God's presence diffused tension, restored peace, and earned respect from the client.
Through the MLI program, I embraced a new approach to leadership. Delegating tasks based on my staff's strengths and fostering a collaborative work environment transformed relationships within the team. The core value of "Relationship before Ministry" became my guiding principle, leading to a merrier relationship with my staff and a more effective, supportive team.
My perspective on my role as Head of Department underwent a profound shift. Instead of feeling maintained by my boss due to a lack of a suitable replacement, I realized that God had persistently placed me in this position for fifteen years to do His great work. Experiencing God's protection and blessings, the atmosphere in the firm changed, and I found fulfillment in being used by Him.
As of now, I continue to follow God closely, becoming a happier and more caring individual. In a world that may forsake me, I trust in God, my Abba Father, who will never forsake a beggar like me. His endless love and protection uphold me as His precious child. All glory to God. Amen!

With God, I am no longer a Workaholic

Tony Zhang · Data Scientist

When I graduated from university and entered the workforce, I joined a Swedish subsidiary in China, taking on the role of a technical engineer. In the first few months of my job, I underwent comprehensive training provided by the company, receiving enthusiastic assistance from my colleagues in both theoretical knowledge and practical project implementation. Subsequently, I embarked on a frequent business travel lifestyle, often visiting up to eight or nine countries and regions.

On the surface, these business trips seemed like sponsored vacations, but internally, I was filled with anxiety. As our clients were telecom companies, such as Singtel in Singapore, I had to maintain a high level of caution to avoid any mistakes. Any oversight on our part that led to equipment misconfiguration or software upgrade failures without rollback options could result in the interruption of phone or messaging services in a particular region, causing losses and inconvenience to the company and society.

Excessive anxiety and caution led to breathlessness.

Although the company's culture and training mechanisms were robust, given the nature of the work, my initially meticulous nature unavoidably became even more cautious. Even after changing several jobs and arriving at my current company, I would still check every detail multiple times, striving to avoid errors. I found it difficult to forgive myself for even minor mistakes. This work attitude gradually made me more anxious, always feeling that I was not excellent enough and needed to work harder.

These concerns weighed on my life, making me involuntarily work continuously in my own way. I turned into an unstoppable workaholic, continuing to study after work and spending weekends at the library reading work-related materials. I became lost in my work, and this work attitude also affected my relationship with my wife, especially after she came to Singapore to join me. Work occupied our time together, causing more worry. The issues associated with the workaholic mode became more prominent, making it a challenging adjustment period for both me and my wife.

God's word reminded me.

I am very thankful to God for bringing the Workplace Ministry course of MLI into my life, where Philippians 4:6-7 was discussed: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." In the conflict between work and life, I gained a deeper understanding of God's intentions. I also thank God for giving me the ability and courage to face fear and anxiety, and I slowly adjusted my work status.

2 Corinthians 3:5 says, "Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God." This made me understand that ability and success come from God, not my own efforts. Thanks to God's work in my life, changing my thoughts and mindset, I understood the priorities in life and improved my relationship with my wife.

God blesses me so I can bless others.

I also thank God for continuously uplifting me in the workplace. Through the study of the MLI Leadership course, I gained more wisdom to help young people who are just entering the workforce. Through God, I not only have the ability to help them improve their work skills and professional expertise, but I can also consider issues from their perspective, honor them, and trust them with God's truth and wisdom, becoming a ready help for them.

Thank God for the MLI course, which helped me understand God's intentions and trust. I experienced a transformation from anxiety to peace, from self-effort to relying on God. God not only taught me how to surpass myself in the workplace but also gave me the wisdom and ability to influence others.

I am willing to dedicate all that I have learned and gained to the glory of God and continue to be a witness for God in the workplace, leading others to know God and glorify His name. Just as Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Thanks be to God, all glory goes to Him.

Jannie Wong Fei Yi

Legal Profession

The Word of God reminded me during the lessons on 《Marketplace Emotional Management》that a fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back. I have decided and willed myself not to be a fool who loses temper, but be a wise person who knows how to manage own emotions. Although my working environment remains as busy, due to the change of my will, my emotions are no longer affected, I can now maintain healthy emotions while complete my tasks on time!

Chim Chee How

IT Profession

I learned how to identify and accept the strengths and weaknesses of each person's personality through the lessons of 《DISC》. After recognizing the DISC attributes of others, I communicate with others using the ways which they feel comfortable with. This has brought breakthroughs in relationships in all aspects of my life; conflicts are greatly reduced, and I became more comfortable in getting along with others!

Sarah Lee Chin Wen

Construction and Infrastructure Industry

I work as a salesperson for a Japanese company that sells cranes. Due to the impact of the pandemic, our sales were very poor. The Twelve Tips for Personal Growth mentioned in 《The Decisiveness of A Leader》 course made me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. I found myself weak in relationships and commitment. After the course, I learned to be more committed to my work, and I really made great progress, getting 4-5 orders in a row! MLI courses could really be practically applied to the workplace!

Elisa Ooi Tian Qi

Food Industry

I’m able to finish reading the whole Bible twice in these 2 years which I was not able to before enrolling to MLI.

Barnabas Foo Seik Yen

Construction Industry

By practicing the principles of 《Obedience before Inspiration》, 《Dance with The King》 and 《Relationship before Ministry》, I learn to humble myself in accomplishing the tasks preferred by my superior. This had caused a big transformation in my marketplace. My superior who used to be very harsh, had recently changed her way of handling matters and conflicts. Moreover, when she came to me and shared her difficulties in work, I prayed over her, and we both testified how God had work miracles in helping the company collect a payment that was long due!

Edmund Sia Chun Fong

Oil and Gas Industry

Through 《Financial Management in God’s Kingdom》, I have gained some insights on how to resist the typical advertisement tactics and controlled spending on unnecessary things or matters.

Joecess Lim Yii Mei

Educational Industry

 I rediscovered myself, no longer compare my abilities and gifts with others, and had a healthier self-image and sense of security.

Philip Toong Sue Ping

Chemical Industry

The 《Leadership Skills》 module gave me a new perspective and attitude towards teamwork: to trust and understand my teammates, and these bring unity and great outcomes.

Alisa Kong Yong Eng

MLM Marketing

The 《Dancing with the King》 module helped me to restore my relationship with my boss, not fearing the authorities, and train me to become a better leader.